At this time, we are offering $5.95 standard shipping. Any domestic orders over $75 receive free shipping. If you would like your product shipped to you faster, we also offer Priority Mail and the shipping cost will depend on the customer’s address and the weight of their order. All orders are processed within 24-48 hours. Orders take 3-7 business days from shipment date to be delivered.
We currently do not ship internationally.
We are not responsible for orders being shipped to the wrong address. Please be sure you put in your correct address at checkout. If the item is sent back to us, you will need to pay our $7.00 shipping fee before we send it back out to you. If you notice that you put in the wrong address at checkout, please email ASAP. We cannot guarantee that we can have your address changed in time, so please make sure you enter in the correct address before completing the purchase.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. If the package is lost in transit, we will help as much as possible to try and locate the package. We will also file a claim for you if the package has not showed up and does not say delivered on the tracking number. If the claim is approved, we will refund you the cost of your order as well as shipping. Again, If the tracking number states that it has been delivered, we recommend that you get in contact with the USPS directly with your tracking number to have them help locate your package.
If we file a claim with USPS and your tracking number says delivered, the claim will be denied and closed by USPS. We recommend that you check with neighbors, spouse, children, or roommates. You can also talk with your local postal delivery person and visit your post office. Sometimes USPS can track the GPS coordinates of the location where the package was scanned as delivered and track down the package.
If you suspect theft, please contact your local authorities.